Mariela Limerutti Visual Artist, Argentina.

50 mē Photograph
Master Thesis
"Fine arts-Public Art and new artistic Strategies"
Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany

Intervention in the windows of a block in a German neighborhood
50 mē Photograph
Master Thesis of Fine arts-Public Art and new artistic Strategies
Gestaltung Faculty, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany, 2006

In a complex working process, this work was developed by communication and interaction between people. As the main emphasis was put on the site-specific situation, this work was developed under the viewpoint of the exchange of experiences. While a new meaning is given to the place, new experiences with this place are activated. In this sense the attention is shifted from the artistic interference to the reorganization of the context.

The work connects pictures of clouds which represent a personal journey from Argentina to Germany, with the "Wende" in Germany since 1989 (a period of time after the reunification of the East and West Germany). Those photographs were distributed to the people of a neighborhood in Weimar. To allow the past to travel into the present, individual experiences with travelling during the "Wende" were written at the back of the photos and were hung on the windows of the facades of Meyerstrasse.

There was an established relation between my travel and the decision of the inhabitants of Weimar about traveling after the fall of the Berlin wall. The intention was to join the immateriality of a memory with the image of something immaterial like clouds, giving them materiality through written language about travels.

Even though, the "Interstice" connected differences: The "Window" represented the open border and space between the realities of the public and the private. The "Wende" was the time of change between two political and geographic systems in Germany from 1989. "Interstice" was also the personal space and time between Argentina and Germany which was materialized in the clouds. br />