Mariela Limerutti Visual Artist, Argentina.

Variable dimensions
San Juan/Argentina

The Big Bang theory argues that about ten billion years ago the universe was concentrated. When the Big Explosion took place, some energy became concentrated mass, expanding in all directions. Since then, no terrestrial or celestial body has a fixed position in the universe, neither is eternal. The artwork was determined by its evolution, exposing the dynamics of time and space it inhabited in a continuous alteration. In a linear time, the work suffered irreversible processes, related to new orders that aimed at Chaos; or in Ylia Prigogine´s words, to an "order of higher complexity".

The work of mobile edges, with lines that began from a centre just at the entrance threshold of the museum, invaded the outdoor airspaces in expansive growth. The closure tape, which is usually used to prohibit the access to certain areas of heavy traffic, suffered a meaning dislocation in this work. It filled air spaces, which we do neither actually occupy, nor reflect on them, since our view crawls at ground level.

Stephen Hawking said that in an infinite universe, every point can be considered as a center because it has a countless number of stars around it. We should reflect on the relative position we have within the dynamic universe and the direction inside the crash in which we lead art at the peripheral center. It would be important to question the expansion we are part of, and perceive the changes our bodies are constantly suffering. As the distance between galaxies is increasing, it seems the distance among people is increasing too, regarding their interests and actions, in the same place we intervene, in the same place we share; where gaps appear increasingly larger and living spaces smaller. Like the stars, human beings move far away from each other; and as the consequence of this expansion we can collapse until becoming a kind of black holes.

Variable dimensions
Material: 11,000 m Closure Tape
Creation Center of Fine Arts and Tornambé Museum, San Juan, Argentina, 2003